Monthly Archives: July 2014

The Skelton’s 12 Years Later



            When I first met Samantha Skelton, I thought she was the chillest, most relaxed medical assistant I’ve ever seen!  She was just sitting indian style (with her tiny self) in a tall bar office chair at a pod in Dr. Wolf’s clinic.  Her patients are testy at times, but it never is too much for her while she takes care of “Bidness.”  Her family, just as sweet and country as she is, likes to go to the lake and go mudding whenever they get a chance.  They definitely are not afraid to get a little dirty!

            Samantha and Richard’s children, Jamie and Wesley are precious and full of energy.  They were into the photo taking and loved drawing on the chalkboard!  Poor Wesley just broke his arm two weeks after our photo session and had to come up to his mommy’s work at Tabor Orthopedics. He was so brave the whole time through his X-Ray and getting his cast put on.  He even rode his bike, not even a day after.

He is a tough kid I tell ya!!  Hope you feel better soon, Wesley, so we can go mudding again real soon!!



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Published: July 30, 2014 | Comments: 1